Terms & Conditions

By engaging with M/S Flying Laundry (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), you, the Customer, agree to adhere to and accept the terms and conditions outlined below.
It is imperative that you carefully review the ensuing agreement. Your utilization of any service provided by the Company signifies your consent to abide by the terms and conditions enumerated herein.
Articles entrusted to the Company for cleaning or repair shall henceforth be denoted as "items" within this agreement.
This agreement solely pertains to the Company and the Customer and does not infer any relationship with any third parties. Through the utilization of any service provided by the Company, you, the undersigned Customer, assent to the following terms and conditions:

1. Garment Care:

• While utmost care is exercised in handling all garments/linen/fabrics, it is acknowledged that circumstances surrounding the articles or non-apparent defects in their material may lead to the POSSIBILITY OF DISCOLORATION OR SHRINKAGE. Such items are cleaned at the OWNER'S RISK, and the Company bears no responsibility therein.

• The Company strives to maintain a superior standard in its washing, drying, and folding services.

2. Manufacturer's Care Guidelines:

• Due to time constraints, the Company does not consult manufacturer's suggested care and washing/drying labels, hence will not assume responsibility for garments labelled "hand wash only" or "dry clean only".

3. Specialized Care Items:

• The Company disclaims liability for "special care" and delicate items requiring distinctive attention during cleaning.

4. Colour Transfer and Damage:

• The Company disclaims responsibility for articles experiencing colour transfer, particularly instances where one part of a garment's colour adheres to another part.

5. Storage and Unclaimed Items:

• The Company absolves itself of responsibility for any item left beyond a 30-day period. Post this duration, any applied discounts shall be nullified, and a storage fee of 30% per month shall be levied on the total invoice amount.

• Articles unclaimed after three months shall be dealt with as deemed fit by the Company, potentially leading to their sale for recuperation of billed charges.

6. Service Refusal:

• The Company retains the right to refuse cleaning any garment.

7. Stain Removal:

• While stain removal forms part of the cleaning process, the complete eradication of stains cannot be guaranteed and is undertaken at the customer's risk.

8. Loss or Damage to Personal Effects:

• The Company disavows responsibility for the loss or damage of personal or non-cleanable items left within articles, such as money, jewellery, or any other belongings.

9. Liability and Compensation:

• In cases of loss or damage, the Company may, at its discretion, reimburse up to three (3) times the processing cost (laundry/dry clean) provided the Customer furnishes the requisite bills. Compensation shall be rendered in the form of services, with no cash disbursement to the customer.

10. Article Inspection Upon Delivery:

• Customers are urged to inspect articles upon delivery and promptly notify delivery personnel of any discrepancies. Claims made subsequent to acceptance of delivery shall not be entertained by the Company.

11. Quality Assurance:

• The Company provides a seven-day warranty from the date of delivery for articles, addressing quality-related issues stemming from washing or dry-cleaning, provided said articles remain unused post-service. Quality-related claims beyond this stipulated period shall not be entertained.

12. Communication Preferences:

• Customers may receive transactional and marketing updates via various mediums (calls/SMS/email/app notifications) from the Company.

13. Ornamental and Jewellery Fittings:

• The Company disclaims responsibility for any ornaments/jewellery fittings attached to garments.

14. Article Examination Upon Delivery:

• Customers are tasked with inspecting articles for damage upon delivery, with any discrepancies to be reported immediately. Claims thereafter shall not be entertained.

15. Force Majeure:

• Any loss/damage/delay attributable to FORCE MAJEURE conditions absolves the Company from liability for compensation or charge reduction.

16. Fire, Burglary, and Unforeseen Circumstances:

• The Company bears no responsibility for loss or damage to articles due to fire, burglary, or similar unforeseen circumstances.

17. Compensation for Delays:

• Certain processes/items may necessitate extended processing times. Claims or deductions against billed amounts due to delays are not permissible.

18. Designer Wear:

• Tariffs for designer wear shall be determined on a case-by-case basis, contingent upon garment complexity. These rates shall be communicated post-examination by our expert at the processing centre.

19. Payment Terms:

• Invoices are dispatched by hand and would be sent as WhatsApp notification as well.

• Express delivery incurs a charge double that of regular orders.

• Payment is due in full upon successful order delivery.

• Prepaid plans are available, with cash or cheque payments accepted. Cheques are effective post-realization are only acceptable in Favor of "M/s Flying Laundry”.

• Taxes are levied in addition to rates specified on the website.

• Prepaid plans are valid solely at the purchasing location.

• Cashback is credited to customer accounts in the form of services.

• The charge for returned cheque is Rs. 500, which will be applied in addition.

20. Cancellation and Refund Policy:

• Extra amounts paid for retail orders are refundable upon customer request.

• Prepaid plan balances are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

• Order cancellations are permitted pre-pickup without incurring charges.

• Denial of service for any reason results in order amount refund for retail customers or addition to prepaid balances for prepaid plan customers.

• Cancellation requests must be lodged within two hours of pickup; post-processing, orders cannot be cancelled.

21. Coupons and Discounts:

• Coupons are exclusively applicable via the Flying Laundry mobile app.

• Coupons cannot be applied post-invoice generation. • Coupon stacking is prohibited.

22. Privacy Policy:

• Personal information is not sold to third parties.

• Certain administrative and communication services may be outsourced to other companies, necessitating limited disclosure of personal information for the sole purpose of service administration.

23. Links To Other Sites:

• The Company absolves itself of liability for damages stemming from website content.

24. Information Distribution:

• Unauthorized distribution of website content constitutes an infringement, punishable by law.

25. Unauthorized Site Usage:

• Engaging in impersonation or imitation of another individual will result in legal action being taken accordingly.

26. Content Usage Permissions and Restrictions:

• Any replication or dissemination of content from this website for any purpose will be construed as infringement and will be subject to legal repercussions. The publication of any third-party content is prohibited and will result in legal action being taken.

27. Changes to the Agreement:

• The information provided above is subject to alteration at any time without prior notice. The Company shall not be held liable for any resulting losses.

28. Dispute Resolution:

• All disputes shall be settled within the jurisdiction of the courts located in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

For any complaints or queries, please contact us at Laundryflying@gmail.com.